More offenses addressed, more protections extended, a greater potential for enhanced recoveries, and more.
Those above descriptors only partially spotlight the matters that are front-and-central in updated securities law passed by the U.S. Congress back in 2010.
At the time, the so-called Dodd-Frank legislation raised some eyebrows and engendered more than a bit of confusion regarding its precise intent and scope. And the law continues to incite passions and commentary even today. The Trump administration has pointed directly to it as an example of regulatory overreaching and anti-business legislation that needs to be pared back.
At its essence, Dodd-Frank is not hard to understand. Its provisions zero in on securities fraud in the private sector, which many people in Texas and nationally believe has become an outsized and ever-growing scourge in recent years.
Dodd-Frank encompasses a huge basket of fraud forms that regulators are concerned with. Those range widely from Ponzi schemes, insider trading and bogus public filings to unauthorized securities trading, market manipulation, bribery and more.
Whistleblowers play a huge role under Dodd-Frank, as we note on a page of our website at Hilder & Associates focused on securities whistleblowing processes and protections.
For starters, it is often the voluntary and original information they supply to regulators that leads to a vigorous government follow through and deterring of fraud, as well as a money recovery against wrongdoers.
Whistleblowers are frequently eligible to obtain sizable personal recoveries for their participation in spotlighting and stopping securities fraud. Moreover, Dodd-Frank extends protection to them against company retaliation.
Whistleblowing is a time-honored and often selfless activity that safeguards Americans against corporate and public malfeasance. Further information on the subject matter can be obtained from an experienced whistleblower attorney.