Bribery is a criminal offense that even many children understand at a fundamental level. I give something to you to solicit preferential treatment that wouldn’t otherwise be forthcoming. Or, alternatively, I receive something of value from you to confer some special privilege upon you.
It is one thing, though, to note the concept of a little clandestine give-and-take for reciprocal benefit on the schoolyard, and something else altogether when it comes to consideration of bribery in a legal sense.
We note prominently on our criminal defense website at the Houston law firm of Hilder & Associates, P.C., “the complexities related to defending bribery and kickback allegations.” Things aren’t always as they might initially seem concerning bribery allegations. Prosecutors sometimes file criminal charges citing bribery that a proven defense attorney can successfully defend against on various grounds.
Bribery charges are often levied in alleged instances of attempted unlawful influence on a public official. A representative hypothetical might spotlight the attempt of a business principal to secretly pass along money to a legislator in exchange for securing an ultra-competitive government contract. In lieu of money, bribery in the form of select services offered and/or special privileges conferred might feature.
An in-depth online overview of bribery stresses that prosecutors don’t have to produce an unlawful written agreement to make a bribery charge stick. Obviously, though, they do need to supply proofs that sufficiently convince a court or jury that unlawful action did occur.
Proven attorneys with a demonstrated record of advocacy defending clients in white collar financial crimes matters can often materially assist a defendant facing bribery charges. Further information can be supplied by an experienced criminal defense legal team.